Electromagnetic radiation (Electromagnetic Fields / EMF - Electromagnetic Fields) is one of those topics that no one wants to talk about, but it would be necessary to pay attention. When it comes to feeling our best, we are very quick to look at and value all aspects of our physical reality: what we eat, of course, is at the top of the list. But sometimes we forget that we are electromagnetic beings and, essentially, we are conductors of energy.
Therefore, distorting the body's electromagnetic field can cause great problems in both the physical and emotional body and without a doubt, one of the biggest culprits of any distortion of the electromagnetic field of our body is electromagnetic radiation (EMF), which by Unfortunately, they are already part of our lives.
EMFs come primarily from our cell phones and Wi-Fi modems, which are used in close proximity to our own electromagnetic field all the time. And then there are the access points and, above all, the telephone towers, increasingly around us, emitting more and more electromagnetic radiation, uninterruptedly.
Thousands of studies around the world show that exposure to electromagnetic fields is related to lower resistance to viral and bacterial infections and weakening our immune system in general. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has reviewed more than 2,000 studies on electromagnetic fields and the conclusion is that radiation from electromagnetic fields "should be considered as possible carcinogens." Electromagnetic fields are also linked to accelerated aging, mood disorders, anger and violence through disruption of the melatonin/serotonin balance. When the melatonin/serotonin balance is imbalanced, insomnia, depression, fatigue, migraines, and poor concentration occur. We know that serotonin receptors are found primarily in the gut, and that gut health is at the root of almost every major disease known.
Electromagnetic radiation mainly affects our autonomic nervous system and the ability to transmit nerve impulses that go from our brain to the rest of the body.
Without a doubt, we are facing a big problem.
Professor Darío Acuńa Castroviejo, professor of medical physiology at the University of Granada, researcher of international reputation at its Institute of Biotechnology, and co-editor of the Journal of Pineal Research, the main international journal in the field of melatonin, has prepared a new report, with the title “Scientific report on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human endocrine system and associated pathologies”.
We want to highlight the following aspects among the report's conclusions:
In section 4.5, it states: “The hypothesis of endocrine disruption of melatonin after exposure to EMF is becoming increasingly consistent, and may participate in the increased risk of many pathologies associated with exposure to EMF.
The report explains how exposure to electromagnetic fields increases the production of free radicals1 in the body and decreases anti-oxidant defenses. The report says, verbatim: “The main harmful effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields are the following:
Neurological disorders, such as irritability, headache, asthenia, hypotonia, hyperexcitability syndrome, drowsiness, sensory disturbances, tremors, dizziness.
Mental disorders: mood and character alterations, depression, suicidal tendencies.
Cardiopulmonary disorders: alterations in heart rate, changes in blood pressure and peripheral vascular alterations.
Reproductive disorders: alterations in the menstrual cycle, abortions, infertility and decreased sexual libido.
Increased risk of some types of cancer, such as acute leukemias and tumors of the central nervous system in childhood.
Dermatological disorders: nonspecific dermatitis and skin allergies.
Hormonal disorders: alterations in the rhythm and levels of melatonin, neurosecretory substances and sex hormones.
Immune disorders: alterations of the infectious and antitumor immunosurveillance system.
The risk of these complications is higher in the following population groups:
pediatric age, elderly, pregnant and lactating women, and, especially, among wearers of pediatric prostheses and pacemakers.
The aforementioned is corroborated today by the
(Environmental Protection Agency) and by the
(International Agency for Research of Cancer)”.
Likewise: “The
, a world reference in cancer research, points out that from 0.4 microteslas the risk of childhood leukemia in the affected population doubles.
The study also highlights the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on genetic expression and the brain, with consequences at a cognitive and behavioral level.
One of the fundamental parts of the study refers to the influence of EMF on melatonin levels, which decrease in the exposed organism.
The report explains the biological mechanisms by which a decrease in melatonin levels affects health, favoring oxidative and inflammatory metabolic processes, and, consequently, the development of various pathologies, especially cancer.
When the production of free radicals increases above the cell's defensive capacity, a state of oxidative stress is created that underlies many pathologies: cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, vascular lesions, atherosclerotic disease, etc.
You can download the full report in PDF at this link:
With Bioresonance, applying appropriate frequencies, we completely address the toxicity that electromagnetic radiation generates in our body.
First, let's understand what Bioresonance is:
Bioresonance is a therapy studied since the 70s and based on biophysics and quantum theory (Max Planck), specifically on the principle of matter-energy duality. If the elementary particles that make up matter and also our body behave like waves due to their energetic nature, we can “interfere” with them by administering oscillations to the body.
This is the foundation of oscillatory medicine, vibrational medicine, bioenergetics or Bioresonance. In Bioresonance we therefore use electromagnetic waves to regulate the body and keep it in balance.
Scientists such as the German Dr. Fritz Popp (1975) or the Australian Ross Adey (1978) describe electromagnetic signals as a means of communication within the body and integration of cells, organs and systems of our body in a rapid and efficient way.
Sound wave therapy is based on research carried out in 1939 by Dr. Schliephake and is today used successfully in different countries around the world.
This therapy induces sound waves at certain frequencies in the body to activate cells and revitalize them; only, thanks to the well-known physical phenomenon of resonance, it causes the vibration not to remain on the surface but rather to penetrate the organic tissue.
That is, to the inside of the organs, joints, bones and tendons, etc.
In this way, the action of sound waves accelerates the body's healing process.
The equipment includes sound frequencies and a generator, which with an exclusive methodology of FREQUENCY – MORALES System, get an exact combination of what we call 2 in 1………
1 - An electromagnetic field emitting coil (vibrational information).
2 - A combination of 2 LEDs (light information), Ultra Violet light, both modulated at all times with the established frequency.
Being able with this combination to restore our altered frequency pattern.
In the team, we have incorporated:
-Frequencies, to disinhibit part of the electromagnetic radiation and harmonize the environment.
-A complete treatment for detoxification of the effects of electromagnetic radiation, from Dr. R. Rife.
-A treatment to stimulate the immune system.
-Schumann Wave Generator, especially indicated for geopathic stress.
-A combination of frequencies for pain, inflammation, regeneration, emotional system, etc….
The treatment is continuous and lasts: 03:16:016
It can be repeated as many times as necessary.
Portable equipment, with rechargeable battery, with USB cable.
This equipment is designed so that the patient can use it at home, in the office, on a walk, or anywhere, without any complications. The battery lasts between 5 and 8 hours, approximately. You can also use it while you sleep. connected to the network, with a USB charger and leave it on the nightstand (Maximum recommended distance between 5 and 6 meters), you can now enjoy a complete treatment and maximum comfort.
* FREC - MORALES System equipment does not replace the Doctor or any Medical treatment.